Registration closed






Please note that Registration is now closed.


Conference Functions
During registration indicate your intention to attend the following:

  • A welcome reception held at Meiji Kinenkan on Sunday, 9 October.
  • The conference dinner held at the Imperial Hotel on Monday, 10 October.

Dress code: business attire or formal.
Partners welcome.
Complimentary bus transport will be provided for delegates and their partners (if attending) to travel from the Imperial Hotel Tokyo to the Welcome Reception on Sunday 9 October.

Partner Attendance
Whilst delegates attend the conference sessions on Monday 10 October, partners may participate in a complimentary tour. Partner tour dress code: casual.
If you are bringing your partner to the conference, you will need to register their details and indicate interest in:

  1. Partner Tour
  2. Welcome Reception
  3. Conference Dinner

Site Tour (Optional)
An optional site tour will be conducted in the afternoon on Tuesday 11 October and will depart from and return to the Imperial Hotel. There is no cost associated with the site tour.
Indicate your interest during registration and to receive more information as it becomes available.

Accommodation Bookings
A room block is being held at the Imperial Hotel Tokyo. Accommodation is based on availability at the time of booking.
You will be asked to confirm what accommodation arrangements you have made.

Visa Requirements
As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, there are some additional restrictions on entry into and movement around Japan for foreign citizens compared to normal years.  We are working closely with the JABCC to try and ensure the impact on our conference participants is as small as possible, and will do our best to keep all participants informed as the situation evolves.
Under current rules, all foreign passport holders seeking to enter Japan on business are required to acquire a visa. As part of this process they have to submit a certificate filled out by a hosting organisation in Japan under the Entries, Returnees Follow-up Scheme (ERFS).  Our understanding is that recent business travellers to Japan who have either an office of their own in Japan which can complete this form for them, or another hosting organisation willing to do so, have found the process of obtaining a visa relatively straightforward; but life is more complicated for those who do not.
To assist us in ensuring such certificates can be obtained by all conference participants, including those whose own company is not in a position to apply, you will be asked if you need assistance as part of your registration.

On completion of registration you will receive a confirmation email with a summary of your registration. Contact the conference organisers if any changes are required.
Two weeks prior to the conference, you will receive an email with confirmation of your arrangements.

Need Assistance?

Urban Event Management will again be working with the AJBCC on the conference arrangements.
Should you have any queries regarding the conference or registration, please contact the team:
Event Manager: Lisa Harrison
Phone: +61 2 8039 3545