JCCI Mission to Visit Sydney and Canberra

JCCI Mission to Visit Sydney and Canberra

The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) will host its annual overseas study mission to Australia next month. The mission is led by its Chairman, Dr Akio Mimura AC (pictured). On its Australian leg, the mission will visit Sydney and Canberra, receiving briefings from both Government and Japanese officials stationed in Australia. There will also be some site visits. In Sydney, the mission members together with representatives of the Business Council of Australia will hold an Australia Japan Business Forum. On Thursday 6 February, the AJBCC together with the NSW Government will host a reception for the mission members. Mission member companies come from the following fields: trading companies; manufacturers; airlines; food retail; oil and gas; finance and banking; consulting; property leasing; real estate; electronics; heavy industry; construction; and seafood. Mission participants are over 70 in number.