News Archive

It is with great sadness that we announce that our CEO, David Jacobs, passed away a short time ago. Although he had been ill for some time, few would have been aware of this as he continued to work until very recently, always with his...

Japan’s Kanamoto has acquired a VIC company, providing a good example for Japanese companies investing in Australia. Find out more about this M&A and other companies covered in the recent AJBCC report...

Japan has the highest number of companies in the world with a history of over 100 years. We analyse the strong belief in reliance and consistent business culture that helps Japanese companies continually innovate...

The current global climate has been a wake up call for Japan and many countries, highlighting the reliance on foreign imports for key resources and commodities. Find out how the Japanese Government is supporting the move to local production...

Mark van Dyck, Regional Managing Director, Compass Group Asia-Pacific is an active AJBCC member and also the Chairman of the Asia Taskforce, an initiative of the Business Council of Australia and the Asia Society....

The Australia-Japan Research Centre (AJRC), forms part of AJBCC member the Australia National University (ANU), and is a centre of research, teaching and outreach on the Japanese economy in Australia....