Nippon Steel
1972 First Robe River ore train
1972 First Robe River ore train
1972 Commencement of shipping of iron ore from Robe River to Japan​
1972 Commencement of shipping of iron ore from Robe River to Japan​
2014 Visit by Japanese and Australian Prime Ministers to West Angelas​
2014 Visit by Japanese and Australian Prime Ministers to West Angelas​

Nippon Steel AND Australia-Japan Relations​

For more than 60 years, Nippon Steel Corporation (hereinafter “Nippon Steel”) has been building cooperative relations with the Australian federal and state governments, Australian companies, and local communities, through raw materials for the production of steel.

In the 1960s, Nippon Steel helped develop mines and shipping infrastructure in Australia by concluding a long-term agreement and making investments in order to secure essential raw materials for the production of steel as we expanded our steel production capacity. As a result, both Japan and Australia have been able to expand their business operations, establishing a truly win-win relationship.

Nippon Steel intends to further develop our relationship with Australia, including the addressing of new challenges, in order to achieve carbon neutrality.​

Key Milestones

  • 1960 Lifting of the ban on Australian iron ore export​
  • 1965 Conclusion of the First Japan-Australia Long-Term Agreement on Iron Ore​
  • 1966 Commencement of the shipping of Australian iron ore to Japan​
  • 1972 Establishment of Robe River JV​ and commencement of shipping iron ore from Robe River to Japan​
  • 2002 Opening of West Angelas​
  • 2012 Approval of the expansion of Cape Lambert ​
  • 2022 50th anniversary of Robe River JV​

Expansion of our capacity​

  • 1960s Construction of blast furnaces in the Sakai, Wakayama, Nagoya, Kimitsu, and Kashima areas  ​
  • 1970s Construction of a blast furnace in the Oita area​

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