02 Jul AJBCC and SMBC lunch
Japanese megabank SMBC is both a valued member of the AJBCC in Australia – befitting its long presence here and strong contribution to the Australian economy – and a key member of the JABCC in Japan.
On Friday 24 April , we were thrilled to host a special luncheon in Sydney to farewell the outgoing Deputy President and Co-Head of their Global Banking Division, Mr Tetsuro Imaeda, who has been a regular speaker at our recent Annual Conferences; and to welcome his successor Mr Yoshihiro Hyakutome, as well as new senior executives Mr Katsufumi Uchida, Co-Head for Asia Pacific; and the new Managing Director and Country Head of Australia Mr Yu Fujii.
It was clear from the conversation that while the faces around the table may change, the underlying shared purpose and optimism about the Australia-Japan partnership will remain. We look forward to our ongoing collaboration!
Warm thanks to AJBCC Member Minter Ellison, through their Japan Practice lead Gerard Dooley, for their kind hospitality in a stunning location that gave our visitors the best possible outlook on Sydney!