02 Jul Future Leaders Speaker Series Bruce Miller AO

On 7 June 2024, the AJBCC Future Leaders proudly hosted the second event of our newly launched Future Leaders Speaker Series in Sydney, featuring Mr Bruce Miller AO, former Australian Ambassador to Japan, as our esteemed guest speaker.
About 15 Sydney-based Future Leaders attended a “fireside chat” lunch where Bruce shared his invaluable insights on the upcoming Joint Business Conference’s Future Leaders plenary session theme. Discussions covered a wide range of topics, from economic security and energy transition in the Australia-Japan relationship to invaluable career advice for aspiring future leaders.
A heartfelt thank you to Bruce for his generosity in sharing his time and expertise, and to MinterEllison for graciously hosting the event.
Are you interested in becoming an AJBCC Future Leader or nominating young talent from your organisation to the program? Learn more HERE and get involved.